The last packet sent successfully to the server was 0 milliseconds ago. DbProvisioner ERROR Exception when creating/dropping database with user 'temp' and jdbc url 'jdbc:mysql://mysql/?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8'Ĭom.4.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure Now that i have done the same on the cloudera VM, as on the MySQL VM, and run again the prepare database, i get a different error: Strange is that i did it all according to the tutorial, but i think i have forgoten to put the Java connector in all nodes, that includes the cloudera manager VM. The only differences between my setup and the one from the video, is that i use Java 8u191instead of Java 8u171, and my MySQL database is called mysql and not mysqlh. " /usr/share/cmf/schema/scm_prepare_database.sh mysql -h mysql -utemp -ptemp -scm-host clouderamanager scm scm_user scm_pwd" After i run the below command, i receive the above error.

I have done everything according to the tutorial videos, also checked user rights, tables, database, but the command will not work. > Error 1, giving up (use -force if you wish to ignore the error)" : Īt (URLClassLoader.java:382)Īt (ClassLoader.java:424)Īt $AppClassLoader.loadClass(Launcher.java:349)Īt (ClassLoader.java:357)Īt 0(Native Method)Īt (Class.java:264)Īt .DbProvisioner.executeSql(DbProvisioner.java:283)Īt .DbProvisioner.doMain(DbProvisioner.java:104)Īt .DbProvisioner.main(DbProvisioner.java:123) Please make sure that you have installed it as per instruction in the installation guide. DbProvisioner ERROR Unable to find the MySQL JDBC driver. Verifying that we can write to /etc/cloudera-scm-server I was going through the Deploying CDH on Microsoft Azure Using Cloudera Manager & Azure Marketplace course, at the " Path B: Deploying Cloudera Manager for a Production Grade Cluster", but i am unable to finish th installation due to the bellow error: